How are Serviced Apartments different from Hotels?
Travelling is always a great and exciting experience as it gives you a chance to explore various places around the world; moreover travelling is not only for fun but in some of the cases people also have to travel to a place for work purpose. If you have also got your transfer letter in your hand or you are about to get one and that too for Mumbai then it is no less than icing on the cake. This piece of writing will help you to choose the right accommodation options.
As in most of the cases, the work stays are for a longer duration which can be extended up to months and sometimes years as well. Staying at a place for a longer time, require a lot many assessments so that you can easily make the right choices. Service apartment is one of the best options to choose as it will provide you no less than the comfort of your own home.
For short-term stays, people prefer to hire hotels, but when it comes to the longer stays, it not only becomes inconvenient to stay in a hotel but along with this, staying in a hotel can also prove really expensive.
The question comes how serviced apartments are different from a hotel? Let us have a look at some of the option to understand the difference between these two options:
Affordability: Hotels charge a good amount of money even for a single day stay and no doubt that a long-term stay proves a way too expensive. As compared to that, service apartment doesn’t cost a big amount of money and it is one of the best options available when a person has to stay in a particular city for a longer time. So, money matters when it comes to choosing Serviced apartments.
More Spacious: The service apartments are much spacious as compared to a hotel room. A person has limited access to a hotel room and lobby but in the case of a serviced apartment, you can enjoy the liberty of roaming around and use the space as per your needs and desires.
Equipment and other facilities: Serviced apartments come with almost all the facilities so that you can enjoy a happy and convenient stay. So, all the equipment such as refrigerator, washing machine and other such things are available in a serviced apartment.
The comfort level: In the case of staying in a hotel, you need to be very limited while inviting guests and using other facilities but while your stay in a serviced apartment, you can easily enjoy as many guests you want and no doubt that the former provide the comfort as of your own home.
So, if you are shifting to Mumbai then you can get in touch with Seven Serviced Apartments as they provide the best services when it comes to finding a good and affordable serviced apartment in Mumbai. Get in touch with them today to know more about it.
This entry was posted by Serviced-Apartments on November 3, 2016 at 3:09 pm, and is filed under Service Apartments Mumbai. Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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